Byte Range Forensics, LLC
We Find Hidden Evidence
Computer and Mobile Forensic Specialist
Who you Hire Matters
Comfortable in court settings, the owner of Byte Range, Forensic Specialist Denise Duffy, started analyzing digital media during her 25-year law enforcement career and continued on in the private sector upon retiring.
Denise currently teaches Computer Forensics to US and International law enforcement and private sector entities.
Denise Duffy currently holds a CFCE, Sec+, CEH, and over 40 other vendor and various forensic certifications. All Byte Range Forensic examiners have their CFCE (Certified Forensic Computer Examiner) certification authorized by The International Association of Computer Investigative specialists (IACIS.)
Why a CFCE certification Matters:
The CFCE certification process is extremely rigorous. It consists of an 80-hour class with additional labs, a four-month peer review phase consisting of practical problems, a Hard Drive practical exam problem, and a knowledge based objective test.
The CFCE is NOT a lifetime certification. Each certificate holder must retest every three years, in addition to providing proof of forty hours of Professional education, demonstrate that they are working in the field of forensics, or take three (3) proficiency tests.
Having the right certification is important, especially in a courtroom setting.
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